mardi 11 octobre 2011


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lundi 10 octobre 2011

Shane Meadows au Festival du Film Britannique de Dinard

Le Festival du Film Britannique de Dinard s'est tenu la semaine dernière, autant dire que ce fut une semaine folle! Avec son lot de vedettes britanniques et françaises, le festival a accueilli cette année prés de 30 000 spectateurs.
En parlant de beau monde talentueux, ce festival a été pour moi l'occasion de m'entretenir avec Shane Meadows un des meilleurs réalisateurs actuels (à mon gout) du cinéma british...

  1. How many years have you been coming to the Festival?
Every year since 2003. It's been eight years, I've never missed one since. The first year I came I was working on Dead Man's Shoes. We didn't have a title for the film yet and many decisions about the film were actually made at the festival. This is where we find a title for the film! Then I came back and won the Hitchcock d'or for Dead Man's Shoes.
  1. What do you like about this Festival?
It's my favorite festival in the world! It's really about the films, about real people. Whether you're here for your first film or not, you never feel small. I'm always very impressed by the cinematic knowledge of local people here, there's a real passion for films, which is not always the case at home.
  1. Do you have time to see all the films?
Not all of them but I saw a lot of films!
    4) Is there a film you liked best?
I really enjoyed Tyrannosaur. I've known Paddy Considine for a long time, we went to college together and we come from similar worlds. I worked with him before and I'm very happy to see his work as a director because we share a similar ethos, a similar working-class realism.
  1. Why a sequel to This is England?
Well, I never had a central female character in my films. My wife was pregnant and I needed a project who can keep me close to home. There is something about my own life in This is England which is very important to me and the team of This is England has become a real family. I wanted to work with them again and to develop the characters further.

Cet entretien a été co-réalisé avec Agathe pour le blog du festival. La traduction arrive sous peu.